Turning Radius:
149.86 cm
Counter Kneespace:
73.66 cm
Counter Footspace:
73.66 cm
Stove-front Controls:
Exhaust Switch on Wall:
There is a special fridge for the unit that has a very shallow depth to ensure that the tenant can reach to the back of the fridge. Although there is not a wall mounted switch for the exhaust fan, it can probably be reached by a person in a wheelchair.
Mail Height (min/max):
N/A / 91.44 cm
Garbage Disposal:
In Hall
Laundry Controls:
Not in Reach
The community center and office has space for meetings and is accessible.
Peephole Height (min/max):
0 cm / 0 cm
Tactile/Braille Indicators:
N/A / N/A
This is a two storey townhome with a lift to bring the tenant upstairs to the bedroom and bathroom. It is most probablly suited for a family that has a child in a wheelchair that is able to do their own transferring from the lift chair to a wheelchair, or for individuals that prefer to crawl.
Door Hardware:
Pull Handle
Space Between Doors:
0 cm
Front Turn Radius:
213.36 cm
Corridor Turn Radius:
0 cm
Flooring Type(s):
Intercom Height(min/max):
N/A / N/A
Building access refers to the office and meeting room space. Units are townhouses and have their seperate outdoor entrances.
Accessible (no. spots):
Yes (1)
Accessible Pickup Area:
The one accessible parking space is beside the coop's garbage dumpster. This may make getting in and out of a vehicle in this location difficult.Location of Parking: in front of unit